What is DynuStudio?
DynuStudio® is the latest graphical and data management system based on more than 10 years of development to fully support DynusT mesoscopic dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model. With DynuStudio®, users can convert GIS based planning networks to DynusT, edit networks and input additional information, manage scenarios, run DynusT, and visualize DynusT network simulation results for debugging, analysis and presentation purposes.
DynuStudio® is aimed at supporting mission critical project delivery with DynusT. With DynuStudio® users will realize a significant productivity gain due to its user-friendly interfaces and sophisticated data analysis capabilities. The use and feel of DynuStudio® is similar to existing travel demand and traffic simulation model software packages; therefore, a user with travel demand or traffic simulation model experience will find DynuStudio® intuitive to use.
DynuStudio®’s unique features include:
GIS coordinates retained in double precision
Easy network import from shapefiles
Fast response for large network manipulation
Full-fledged network and data editors
Layered plotting mechanism for easy data viewing
Intuitive scenario management
Dynamic output animation in bandwidth plots
Visual diagrams for departure/arrival profiles and time-of-day statistics
Visual scenario comparison in bandwidth diagrams
Dynamic vehicle trajectory animations with modes and delays highlighted in colors
Dynamic vehicle trajectory plots for selected links and vehicle IDs
Bandwidth plots for selected links and zones
Demand OD flow plots
Network and GIS attribute calculators for flexible data operations
Advanced data manipulation with embedded Python scripting and API