DynuStudio/DynusT Version 3.0 Highlights

We are excited to announce V3.0 which includes various exciting modeling breakthrough and new features.
Breakthrough in dynamic traffic assignment with individual Value-of-Time
Version 3.0 incorporates a breakthrough enabling DynusT to perform Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) assignments with individual Value-of-Times (VoT) for each vehicle in the system. This feature allows users to incorporate a continuous VOT distribution in evaluating static or dynamic pricing scenarios, without any increase in run time compared to traditional approaches where only an average or a discrete VoT distribution of values are permitted. This breakthrough also allows a different VoT to be associated with different trip purposes (e.g., work trips have different VoTs from social, recreational trips) and as such making DynusT the best DTA model to model tolling or congestion pricing analysis, or to be integrated with fine-grained activity-based-models (AMBs). Version 3.0 enhances this feature to improve further run time and convergence. An example of this feature can be seen here.
Improved DTA simulator with extended horizon up to 9999 minutes
Version 3.0 allows users to simulate demand and events up to 9999 minutes horizon time, permitting multi-day large-scale studies, such as flooding scenarios assessment.
Improved assignment speed with multithreaded assignments
Version 3.0 is running 20% faster than prior versions and incorporates several enhancements in the data structure and algorithm designs.
New origin-destination adjustment tools using Fratar matrix balancing method for all time intervals
This new tool enables Version 3.0 users to adjust demand files using control totals by origin and destination zones provided by the user. It could also be used to ensure that during a daily analysis run, demand files by time period reflect totals provided by the regional travel demand model.
New link tool for removing shape points
This tool allows the user to automatically remove shape points between any two intersection nodes, therefore maintaining the couverture of the physical link.
New trajectory query options by subareas and link types
Analysis Tool (select trajectory) has two new options that allow users to query trajectories traversing a selected link or a predefined polygon.
Improved subarea cut module The subarea cut script has been reprogrammed in more powerful C# compiling language, and this new module can quickly scan and extract the large size of trajectories for the subarea analysis.
Improved HDF5 support for both link and trajectory outputs
The HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format) open data converter has been optimized for processing large trajectory files and expanded to convert binary output files.
Faster output trajectory conversion
The simulation output converter has been further optimized and the processing time has been reduced by more than 50%.
Improved 2D/3D Google Earth mapping tools
The mapping scripts have been updated to allow mapping objects for zoomed windows only so that maps can be loaded and displayed in Google Earth quickly.
New Python API for trajectory queries
New Python API calls are added for Analysis Tools #3 (temporal profiles) and #4 (select trajectory) to enable batch mode processing
Improved built-in project files zipping tools
The built-in file zipping tool has been optimized for compressing large project files more efficiently.