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What is DynuStudio/DynusT's Storage Space Requirement?
See the above chart for details. DynusT/DynuStudio takes roughly 20Gb of data per scenario.
What types of network traffic controls can DynusT model?
DynusT models various intersection signal controls, ramp meters, and dynamic message signs. Signals: Pre-timed, actuated, pre-timed...
What tools help calibrate time-varying origin-destination matrices?
The DynusT research team developed a a two-stage model to calibrate the time-varying origin-destination (OD) matrices. The first-stage...
​What is DynusT's vehicular traffic simulation principle?
DynusT vehicular traffic simulation is based on the Anisotropic Mesoscopic Simulation (AMS) invented by Professor Yi-Chang Chiu. The AMS...
What is DynusT's traffic assignment principle?
DynusT applies the widely accepted dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) definition as discussed in the US Transportation Research Board (TRB)...
How does DynuStudio interface with other transportation planning software?
The general flow of converting an existing model using shapefiles DynuStudio uses shapefiles as the primary interfacing method with other...
What training materials do you provide?
The Metropia team prepared various training materials and tech support methods to assist users in learning DynusT/DynuStudio. These...
Can DynusT Integrate with Activity-Based Models?
DynusT has an extensive history integrating with activity-based models (ABM) such as CT-RAMP and DAYSIM. Two recently completed C10...
Can DynusT integrate with microscopic traffic simulation models?
Yes. A utility has been developed by the University of Arizona and Texas Transportation Institute to allow a DynusT network to be...
What is the history of DynusT and DynuStudio?
History of DynusT 1995-2002 – Professor Chiu was the graduate student developer of DYNASMART-P under Prof. Mahmassani, gained solid DTA...
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